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Stay-at-home Moms More Likely to Report Depression

A recent study says that stay-at-home moms were more likely to report depression than their employed counterparts. Here are some suggestions to combat negative emotions.

28% of stay-at-home moms reported depression “a lot of the day” when asked about the day before.

In a Gallup analysis of more than 60,000 U.S. women, stay-at-home moms (SAHMs, non-employed women with children under 18 at home) were more likely to report depression, sadness, and anger than their employed counterparts.

The 2012 survey also asked both groups to share how much they smiled, experienced happiness or enjoyment, or learned something interesting during the day. While middle- and high-income SAHMs reported about the same level of emotional wellbeing as employed moms, low-income SAHMs (annual household incomes lower than $36,000) did worse on all of these items. Employed moms reported doing as well as employed women without children at home in all areas, possibly suggesting, says the report, that “formal employment, or the income associated with it, has emotional benefits for mothers.”

Employment isn’t always a possibility, but if you’re a SAHM—by choice or circumstances—seek out experiences that emulate the benefits of a workplace or combat negative emotions you may be feeling.

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