2024 the Face of Charter School Education
If you’re looking for an extraordinary Early Childhood Education (ECE) program for your little one, Rocky Mountain Prep (RMP) is one of the only Denver programs that runs a unique charter school model. The curriculum supports the whole child through social, emotional, and academic learning, which is key during the early developmental years.
Especially in preschool, when young students transition to a new classroom with a different caregiver, they tend to experience regression in social and academic learning. To combat this regression, RMP students stay with their teacher for two years, which allows them to form strong attachments with their peers and caregivers. This unique model also has children in mixed-age classrooms during the years three and four.
“This approach shows stronger learning results where the students who have been with us are about six to eight months ahead of the four-year-olds who are entering the program for the first time,” says Callan Quiram, the Senior Director of Early Childhood Education. “Additionally, having older children model social skills for younger children helps them to grow and advance socially in a way they wouldn’t have access to if they were the same-age peers.”
The preschool curriculum includes play-based, exploratory, and social-emotional learning that coincides with RMP’s four peak values: perseverance, excellence, adventure, and kindness.
“At Rocky Mountain Prep Berkeley, it’s a really beautiful blend of play and rigorous academics,” says Jamison Williams, a Preschool Teacher at Rocky Mountain Prep Berkeley. “Our kids grow, and the things they’re able to accomplish are really incredible.”
The early childhood program focuses on building a strong foundation for its students so they can continue on their educational journey and be successful. Mary Ann Mahoney, a Preschool Teacher at Rocky Mountain Prep Berkeley, describes RMP’s ECE program as a community that comes together to love and support the students so they have the tools, resources, and guidance to be successful.
“When kids are surrounded by a community of adults who believe in them, who care and want the best for them, it sets them up for success academically, socially, and emotionally,” Mahoney says.
For a tailored, inclusive, and loving environment that will push every student to their full potential, RMP preschools have dedicated and innovative teachers for every child’s needs.