Photo credits to Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

Summer is a wonderful time to get your teen or adolescent kids into the world of job-finding. There are many places looking for new faces and fresh minds to learn more about balancing responsibilities and working towards the future. Experience is important in getting a career, but also it will help teach your child independence and more about financial stability. It’s better to learn sooner rather than later! Even if your child has yet to have job experience, you could benefit from helping them make a resume that they can add onto as the years go by. 

A resume is a brief account consisting of a bio, education status, qualifications, previous experiences, and can include a list of skills. This allows for companies to find the perfect candidate for the job and also have a way of contacting them. They are typically given while applying for a job. You can find multiple templates on Microsoft Word, or specific websites such as Canva, Resume-Now, ResumeGenius, MyPerfectResume, ect. There are many resources and guides to help set up a resume to your liking. 

A resume should be simple and easy on the eyes for the hiring manager, so avoid extravagant or unprofessional fonts, bright colors, photos, or making it too crowded. It’s okay for the resume to be short! Especially if they are a high-school student or a college student. If you would prefer to fill up some space, include some extracurriculars they’ve been a part of so the company can find out more about their interests while also seeing their dedication, hard-work, and participation in school activities. Next, include their highest education level, along with the years of graduating. If they are still in school, put the year they started as the beginning year, and “present” or the year expected to graduate for the end year. There are also many lists online of skills to find the ones they feel they exceed at the most! These skills can differ depending on where they are applying to, but make sure to be honest on your resume. Resumes are really simple, so there is no need to overcomplicate it. It’s mainly used as a document where hiring managers can see basic information, progress, and if they will be the best fit for that job! 

Now it’s applying time! Most places nowadays are doing online hiring, rarely ever do companies do in-person applications. Don’t be discouraged by this! Online applications are efficient and quick! If they want to see what jobs are hiring, they can simply Google “places hiring near me” and a list will come up with what companies and positions they are hiring in. It will also include whether it is full-time or part-time, and a link to the website where they can apply. Most company websites will have a career page for applicants. Indeed is also an incredibly useful website when applying to jobs. If they do not have a separate resume, they can make their resume through Indeed so when you apply for jobs, they can use the resume on your account. Many places look through Indeed for new hires, plus it keeps all their applications in one place. They can sign up, make an account and upload or make a resume, and find the perfect job based on what they are looking for. There are other websites that help find a job, such as: SnagAJob, SimplyHired, and more. However, Indeed or applying directly through their website may be the best bet. New places are constantly looking for new hires, so check back every few weeks for new opportunities.

It can be pretty daunting finding a job, especially if it’s the first one. It can also become a little discouraging if they find themselves getting little to no replies, or just rejections. Don’t take it personally! The job industry is fluid, always changing and updating. Applying more than once could be a good idea to show consistency. Work with your child through this and lift them up with encouragement as you teach them how to be more independent as they transition into their adulthood.