Parents spend a lot of time trying to motivate kids. We use chore charts, checklists, reminders and rewards to get them to feed the dog, clean their rooms and complete schoolwork. But these techniques don’t change behavior long-term. Real motivation must come from within.

The Psychology of Summer Camp

Time at camp may be all it takes to spark a little self-determination in your kid. I know it sounds too good to be true. Your school-age son – the one who expects you to find his homework and pack his lunch – might start doing some things for himself. And your often-bored tween might come home with more pep in her step.Psychologists use self-determination theory (SDT) to explain why some experiences make us feel engaged and excited while others drain and deplete us. The premise is simple: when an activity meets our needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness, we are energized and empowered. Kids’ basic needs are no different from adults.Kids want to do things for themselves. They crave a sense of accomplishment and routinely seek feedback. (“Look what I made, Mom!”) And kids thrive on connections with loved ones and peers. Feelings of belonging boost their self-worth. Summer camp offers loads of opportunities to meet all these needs. And that should make kids very happy campers indeed.


The need for autonomy is satisfied when kids control their own lives. At camp, your son will have endless opportunities to care for himself. Staff won’t select his clothes, organize the contents of his locker or remind him to put on deodorant. No one will delay dessert until he eats his veggies. Independence is what camp is all about. Don’t worry. The world won’t stop if your son wears the same shirt three days in a row. His peers will speak up if he gets super stinky.During the school year, many kids jump from one regularly scheduled activity to the next with no unstructured time in between. Camp puts kids in charge of their own activities. Maybe your daughter will take a hike. Maybe she’ll paint pottery. Maybe she’ll write you a letter. It is up to her to decide how she’ll spend her free time. One thing is certain: she won’t sit around whining about having nothing to do. And if she does, you won’t be there to hear it.


Competence is satisfied when kids learn new things and get positive feedback about their efforts. Your child might choose a camp focused on art, science, sports or music. Or he may opt for a good old-fashioned sleep-away experience, complete with rowboats and weenie roasts. Some camp activities may be outside your kid’s comfort zone. Stretching is good.Your child may be unsure she can cross the slippery log over the creek. She may tremble with excitement about her role in the theater production. Peers and counselors will coax her along and give constructive advice. By the end of camp, she’ll be the star of her own adventure stories.If your child is an experienced camper, encourage him to share what he knows with newbies. Being an ambassador or mentor affirms kids’ competence in a big way. Teaching a peer how to trim a sail or chip a golf ball out of the tall grass will take your son’s skills to a higher level. His confidence will soar in response.


Your biggest concerns about summer camp may center on the social scene. Your child may not know anyone on arrival. That’s okay. Camps create connections in many ways. Your kid will be instantly bonded with bunkmates because they share a home base. Family-style dining and friendly competitions encourage interaction, too. The pursuit of shared goals – like building a robot or putting a frog in the counselor’s sleeping bag – cements kids’ camaraderie.Extroverted kids may make lots of friends at camp. Less sociable souls may not. What matters most is that kids have opportunities to talk, play and live with a diverse group of peers. They won’t all become fast friends. Learning to navigate the choppy waters of friendship formation is a big part of the camp experience. Your child’s social skillset will expand – even if she doesn’t find a new BFF.No matter what your child takes to camp, he’ll come home with a suitcase full of memories and a renewed sense of self-determination. You’ll see it as soon as he wakes from his long post-camp nap.

Heidi Smith Luedtke

Heidi Smith Luedtke is a personality psychologist who has gleaned many practical parenting strategies from her husband’s more laid-back approach. She is the author of Detachment Parenting: 33 Ways to Keep Your Cool When Kids Melt Down.