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What to Know Before Trick-or-Treating This Year

The Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children Child Life and Infection Prevention Team shares their best tips for staying safe.

There will definitely be no bobbing for apples this Halloween. So, what is safe for little ghouls and goblins out to have spooky fun in a pandemic year? We checked with the Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children Child Life and Infection Prevention Team and here’s what they had to say.

Trick-or-Treating: Unfortunately, trick-or-treating this year is not risk-free. Reaching into a container of candy, close contact in the doorway of someone’s home, or removing a face covering in a crowded space to eat a treat all pose a possible risk of exposing children or adults to COVID-19.

As of October 26, COVID-19 cases were on the rise in the Denver metro area and many experts have advised against traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating this year. If you do hope to do some form of trick-or-treating or treat collection, check for specific restrictions from local public health officials before you head out the door. No matter what you do, the Team encourages you to follow these tips to reduce the risk of spreading or contracting COVID-19:

No matter what your plans, if you or your child have COVID-19, have been knowingly exposed to someone with COVID-19, or if you have symptoms, stay home and turn off the porch light (the traditional signal that you won’t be coming to the door this year).

For more information on trick or treating safety, check with your local county or visit

Editor’s Note: Watch local public health guidance for up-to-date suggestions for your community and Halloween celebrations.

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